About Us

The Saudi Arabia Toastmasters Annual Conference is a prestigious event that brings together Toastmasters clubs and members from across the kingdom. It serves as a platform for professional and personal development, offering a range of activities such as keynote speeches, workshops, and competitions in public speaking and leadership.

  • - At the conference, participants have the opportunity to network with fellow Toastmasters, learn from experienced speakers and leaders, and gain insights into effective communication and leadership skills
  • - It provides a supportive environment for individuals to enhance their public speaking abilities, build confidence, and grow as leaders.
  • - The annual conference typically features renowned speakers, inspiring presentations, and interactive sessions tailored to meet the diverse needs and interests of Toastmasters members

It celebrates achievements, recognizes outstanding contributions, and fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the Toastmasters community in Saudi Arabia

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Events List

Welcome Notes

Thursday, May 16 at 8:00 AM


Evaluate the effectiveness of an image or images to influence ideas, feelings, and behaviors of specific audiences

Demo Session 1.1

Thursday, May 16 at 9:00 AM


In Basquiat’s “Portrait of Keith Haring in Mudd Club Guest Book,” he chickenscratches “Keith” next to a sketch of his friend and fellow artist, identifying a portrait that could be anyone with glasses..

Coming Soon

Have students brainstorm as a class about topics or social issues they are interested in and on which they have a point of view. Discuss relevant concepts like propaganda and media bias. Students can sketch out a few initial ideas to explore in a poster that combines text and art and then work in pairs to give feedback about which idea to pursue

Any designer can tell you the importance of text. Its placement, font, color, feeling, style and meaning all affect how we understand the words themselves. Calligraffiti:1984-2013 gives us a global taste of the power of text in art over the past 30 years. Originally curated in 1984 by LA Museum of Contemporary Art Director Jeffrey Deitch, the updated exhibition

Coming Soon

Introduction about AI

Thursday, May 16 at 8:00 AM


Analyze how responses to art develop over time based on knowledge of and experience with art and life

Demo Session 1.1

Thursday, May 16 at 9:00 AM


Evaluate the effectiveness of an image or images to influence ideas, feelings, and behaviors of specific audiences

Many of the pieces respond and react to political instability and revolution in that part of the world. Arabic script both speaks out in protest and functions as a beautiful design element. Tunisian street artist El Seed forms Arabic into artful structures with poetic names like “In the Desert of Language, Calligraphy

Research shows that when compared to unhappier leaders, happier leaders are more productive, confident, likeable, and more likely to get promoted. In this lively and interactive session,

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